5 benefits to having an office coffee machine at work
We all love a good coffee to kick-start our days, but when it comes to investing in a coffee machine for the office it can sometimes feel like an unnecessary cost. With workplace culture and employee engagement talked up as amongst the most important elements to a company’s success, it might be that coffee can play a far more significant role than just being a cost-centre. Below we share 5 reasons why we believe investing in a good office coffee machine makes sense.
1. Team Building
The office coffee machine is the modern-day water cooler of any office. People congregate around it for their morning cup of the good stuff before getting into the day’s work. They will grab a coffee break with a colleague at some point during the day and coffees are usually the feature of a team meeting or two.
The best team relationships are built on these informal occasions between co-workers and we’ve heard that many a fresh new idea has also been the output of a 3 pm coffee catch up.
2. Create a Campus Community
There’s a reason the Googles and Facebooks of the world have created huge campuses for their teams that create an environment way beyond just a place to go to work. “Company culture is the backbone of any successful organisation” according to Gary Vaynerchuk and building a workplace environment that creates a community certainly adds to that dynamic.
3. Increased Engagement
Name one person who doesn’t like to feel valued at work?! We spend the largest portion of our lives at work and while salary and bonus packages are certainly a cornerstone of employee engagement, more and more, the soft stuff also plays a huge role in fostering a highly engaged workforce.
Whether it be through complementary massages, inter-company competitions & award ceremonies, a free office coffee machine or employee of the month, the little things really do add up.
4. Time Saved
Coffee to Kiwi’s is like fish and chips to the British. According to Canstar Blue, 52% of Kiwi’s will go out of their way for a good cup of coffee and so when all you have is instant coffee at work then the team will be heading on out to their nearest barista café whenever they want a cup.
Consider if each team member popped out for coffee up to 2 times per day (morning tea and a team meeting) and imagine how much time is lost on the trip there and back, not to mention waiting in line.
5. Impress Visitors
Whether it’s prospective clients, stakeholders or service providers, it goes a long way being able to offer visitors a great cup of coffee when they come to negotiate a deal or get updated on the company’s latest performance results. It’s sort of an added little bonus towards your customer experience that will at least make people feel welcome in your business.
If you think investing in an office coffee machine for your workplace might be something worth doing, get in touch with our team who can help you decide on the best option for your workplace. Or if you’d like to do a little more research on the right coffee machine for you, here are some tips to help you decide on the right coffee solution for you.
“Workplaces all over New Zealand can’t get enough of our coffee.”
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